An authorized agency in the Philippines which is an exclusive disributor for concrete pumps product. They engage themselves to supply agency with necessary technical assistance by means of informative and illustrated material and to sell all adverstising material suitable for promotion and adverstising of the product. They maintain adequate stocks of the product throughout the Philippines to meet its demand on time including stocks of replacement parts, facilities, and qualified mechanics and provide after sales-services to its customers.
Our vision is to be the most successful and respected construc- tion company by building a better experience through teamwork, high ethical practices and community involvement. FLOWCRETE will emerge as one of the most respected companies known for high sta dard quality of service, management, and operations, which is highly flexible, and open to the needs of its line of business. The company will ensure the quality of its pumpcrete and service through the careful focusing on the technical and mechanical service provides for the customer.
FLOWCRETE mission is to provide quality and customer driven service at a competitive price and a fair profit. Working in harmony with our clients and strategic partners, we provide the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully complete high quality construction projects on time and within budget. We are committed to the continuous devel- opment and growth of our clients, employees and strategic partners.
Our goal is accomplished through people. We believe that every person makes a difference. This commitment to people is a valuable part of our company culture. Flowcrete strives to treat its employees with respect, dignity, and fairness. Flowcrete recognizes that by encouraging employee involvement, valuing employee ideas, empow- ering employees in the decision making process and uniting employ- ees behind common goals there is both a force and resource that is unbeatable.